Quality is the heart of CX

Feelgood factor

“86% of buyers will pay more for great customer experience.”[1]

The quality of a business’s customer experience (“CX”) is determined by how well a customer feels they are treated by the business. When a customer feels visible, respected, and attended to, they feel good – and they feel good about the business which made them feel like that.

However, cultivating and sustaining high quality CX is harder than it sounds. And now a new challenge has arisen that makes it even harder, since customer experience didn’t used to affect profitability as much as it does today. In fact, the quality of the CX is now a key differentiating factor for business profitability [2, 3], having overtaken price as well as product quality. [1, 2]

Given this change in priorities, paying attention to your contact centre’s standard of customer experience has never been more important. Our clients tell us that our software, Syntelate XA, has helped them make significant improvements to their customer service.  Here’s how Syntelate XA plays a part in enabling contact centres to improve their customers’ experiences.

The basics of quality CX for contact centres

There are two fundamental aspects to quality CX: understanding what it is, and then measuring it.

Capturing first-hand insights

Each time an agent interacts with a customer, they’re observing and thinking about the interaction just as much as participating in it. If they don’t have a means to share their thoughts about the interaction, their first-hand insights will be lost and lessons won’t be learned.

We believe agents should spend time doing what they do best:  connecting with your customers. To minimise work effort and give agents the context they need to connect to customers, we developed the following core features in Syntelate XA:

  • Interaction history: Context helps agents see the bigger picture. The full interaction history of a customer is visible to the agent at the point of contact. The interaction history will show the following information to an agent:
    • Agent notes: Agent notes are an internal feedback mechanism for agents to share insights into how the customer felt about an interaction. In turn, managers can use agent notes to identify ways to improve the quality of the CX.
    • Voice of the Customer: The customer ratings give agents a heads up about potential risks (where there are poor ratings) or they can show clearly what went well (where there are good ratings).
  • Voice of the Agent: An agent survey following each interaction lets agents give feedback on how they felt about the interaction.

Track and report on quality

Our supervisor desktops (Configuration and Dashboard) help managers and team leaders monitor activity and report on results:

  • Tracking quality: A Configuration Desktop gives managers a screen where they can record quality measures for interactions in real time or for historical interactions.
  • Reporting on quality: The results from quality tracking can be presented in reports on a Dashboard Desktop and exported to produce visualisations of the insights. For example, Voice of the Agent dashboards show results from the VOA survey, so that managers can learn about the standard of the agent experience for specific streams of the business and act accordingly.


[1] Daniel Newman, ‘4 Actionable Customer Experience Statistics For 2020’, 23 June, 2020, Forbes, available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2020/06/23/4-actionable-customer-experience-statistics-for-2020/?sh=1e92eb2f1a84.

[2] ‘UK CX Decision-maker’s Guide’, 2021, ContactBabel, available at: https://www.contactbabel.com/.

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